X The Line

Push beyond your normal boundaries

  • comfort zone expansion
  • conscious self-development
  • self-realization

X The Line helps you break through boundaries.


Confidence, energy and dedication can really be learned. There are countless tools to help you achieve your goals and desires. We’ll show you how.

This training is for you if…

  1. you’d like to consciously step out from your comfort zone.
  2. you want to create more vibrancy in your life and personality.
  3. always being a little bit better doesn’t satisfy you – you want to stand out and have a real breakthrough.
  4. you like outside-the-box, creative approaches and to be on the cutting edge.
  5. you often test yourself and love challenges.

By joining us you’ll…

  • be filled with energy and begin to act quickly on what you desire.
  • learn what it takes to develop a new habit.
  • clearly see the road ahead to self-realisation available to you.
  • have experiences that will help you see the world in a different light.
  • push beyond your normal boundaries.

A képzés részletei:

1,5 day
12-15 person
50 000 HUF + VAT and 6000 HUF accomodation

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részt venne ezen a programon, írjon nekünk!

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