Emotional intelligence development

  • good leader
  • Organizational development
  • social responsibility

Emotional intelligence and quality time: a new era in social responsibility and organisational development

Now you will become a true mentor!

Instead of solving simulated training situations, you can improve the lives of young people growing up in public foster care by becoming a real mentor for them with the use of coaching tools. After discovering the difficulties they have, you, together with the mentee, can help them find the best possible outcome for their future in which they can thrive in life.

Why is this useful for you?

As you learn how empathy can pave the way for your mentees, you will also recognise the impact you can have on your colleagues by mobilising your emotional intelligence.
This in turn will make your own organisation more efficient and effective.

What is it like to be a good leader nowadays?
This includes having an extremely high level of emotional intelligence.

Empathetic. Understands and develops their colleagues. A collaborator. Has self-knowledge. Recognises conflicts and resolves them promptly. Brings out champion-level performance from their colleagues. Gives continuous feedback. Happy to innovate and take initiative.

This training is delivered in collaboration between Colorplay and X-SIGHT Consulting Ltd.

What is EQ?

The definition of Emotional Intelligence.


When Emotional Intelligence requires development.


A unique training method for the development of Emotional Intelligence.

EQ, the definition of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is the capacity to recognise the presence of and the connections related to emotions and to think and to solve problems based on this skill. Emotional Intelligence takes part in realising the emotion, in assimilating the connecting feelings and in understanding the information which the feeling itself bears as well as handling them (Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer).

Emotional Intelligence is composed of personal and social competencies


  • Emotional consciousness
  • Precise self-estimation
  • Self-confidence


  • Self-control
  • Dependability
  • Conscientiousness
  • Adapting
  • Innovation


  • Performance motivation
  • Commitment
  • Initiative
  • Optimism


  • Understanding others
  • Developing others
  • Customer-centred
  • Valuation of diversity
  • Political awareness

Social values

  • Influencing
  • Communication
  • Handling conflicts
  • Guiding
  • Catalysing changes
  • Building connections
  • Cooperation
  • Team spirit

Emotional Intelligence

Unlike personality and intelligence, EQ can be improved in adulthood as well.

Emotional intelligence has a high level of significance in work situations, particularly for mid-level and senior-level leaders.


When Emotional Intelligence requires improvement.

How can a lack of Emotional Intelligence be recognised at work?

  • Problem-solving is on the surface and not long-term.
  • Exhausted colleagues work with low morale. The level of satisfaction is low.
  • Leaders just tell people what to do and how to do it, but they do not inspire and are not accepted, or only at a low level.
  • Trainings are no longer raising efficiency, will not come with change.
  • Results aren’t coming, or are only under extreme pressure.

To solve these issues, a leader’s emotional intelligence has to be increased because understanding and handling their own and their colleagues’ feelings boost performance at work, which leads to greater achievement.

What personal and social competencies need to be developed to get there?

How can emotional intelligence be improved?


A unique method of training to improve emotional intelligence.

Why does a leader need emotional intelligence?

A successful leader is not only good at guiding, involving, empowering, developing and motivating, but also possesses and uses emotional intelligence to maximise the efficiency of their colleagues. Self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-motivation, empathy and social abilities – these skills cannot be developed effectively with traditional training techniques.

What is the methodology behind EQ X-Press training? How does it lead to breakthroughs?

The participants create mentor pairs to help youngsters. Through given tasks, participants have to map their strengths and weaknesses. The mentor pairs point out the importance of self-management through their own experiences; they teach young people how to think, organise and plan consciously and, moreover, how to handle their social and personal relations. At the end of the teamwork session, they create a plan for the future, allowing the youngsters to be positively impacted by their mentors, which is one of the most important elements of the training.

The diagnosis process and its results, through which the mentor helps create a whole picture of the youngster’s strengths and weaknesses, can be – in all cases – compared to the mentor’s own challenges and difficulties.

Through personal experience – which requires deep emotional participation – self-awareness increases. The mentors’ own personal relationships with colleagues also transforms radically. With the help of self-coaching, the participants find and will use new motivational structures in the long term, which will lead to groundbreaking business achievements.

The Masters Model has been developed by and is a trademark of X-SIGHT.

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