Future proof solutions
Our emphasis is on the importance of return on investment and measurability. This is why we give guarantee on our services.
The power of knowledge transfer
Collecting and passing knowledge on is an ancient practice which keeps us alive and gets us ahead. Your knowledge isn’t just a profit-making tool: it is the engine of economical advancement – we will help you to become an expert in protecting and sharing this treasure.
World-changing innovations
You can live on a good idea for years. A good idea creates good innovations and innovation is the key of improvement. We support the creation of think tanks with our customised methods which provide the perfect soil of fresh ideas.
X-SIGHT in numbers
33 countries
15 industries
30 years’ experience
120+ strategic partner
200 projects
24000 hours of coaching
95 professionals
Future proof solutions
Our emphasis is on the importance of return on investment and measurability. This is why we give guarantee on our services.

Think Tank

10 jó tanács az új korszak sikeres vezetőinek
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Ritka, mint a fehér holló: projektekkel színesített értékesítési tehetségprogram
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Az első lépéstől a tetőpontig: a Nestlé LEAD program sikertörténete
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Az X-SIGHT biztos partner a pályázati lehetőségek kiaknázásában
Az X–SIGHT 2021-ben előkelő helyen végzett...
Show moreAccording to our clients

Annamária Miklós - Senior Human Resources Manager, Jenbacher Gas Engines Hungary Kft.: ’We work with X-SIGHT because we feel that they always find solutions that are fast, modern which can be tailored to the employees.’

László Somogyi - Head of Polyol Sales and Marketing, MOL: ’We were looking for a special negotiation training and chose X-SIGHT. I am very glad that MOL found them because we had a very useful, intensive and constructive training together.’

Éva Fekete-Lipcsei – Managing Director and the Leader of the Global Spares Order Management Team: ’...we attended several presentations (at Business Fest), and I must say that you stood out again from the crowd, which makes you unique, because your presentation was not just a teaser, but concrete information and facts. In the case of the other speakers, the 6 minutes ended just at the point where we started to get curious and where the point would have come from. Thank you for the invitation and the experience, I still think you are a rare star in the sky of the national coaching, organizational development and training companies.’your presentation was not just a teaser, but concrete information and facts. In the case of the other speakers, the 6 minutes ended just at the point where we started to get curious and where the point would have come from. Thank you for the invitation and the experience, I still think you are a rare star in the sky of the national coaching, organizational development and training companies.’
Future proof solutions
Our emphasis is on the importance of return on investment and measurability. This is why we give guarantee on our services.
Like to know more?
Let’s get in touch!
Address: 1117 Budapest, Budafoki út 183.
Phone: 06-1-464-5223
Email: info@x-sight.hu
Opening hours:
monday – friday 8AM – 4PM